What We Do

We give each child their very own Kindle Paperwhite and Bluetooth headset to keep! Each Kindle comes with 1 year of Amazon Kids+ with access to thousands of books.

Our Reading Superheroes host kick-off event on the Power to Read. We help kids choose a Reading Adventure and get kids super excited about reading.

Parents need support in order to create a reading environment in their homes. To receive a Kindle, a parent must agree to receive text messages and communication from the program and to provide time and space for their kids to read and listen ontheir Kindles.

BookMode is not just an innovative program, it’s a reading movement. We help kids discover their reading superpower and falling love with reading again!
- BookMode Activated! We encourage kids to "Activate BookMode!" by going on a reading adventure on their very own Kindle.
- Reading Superheroes Come to Visit: Our Reading Superheros come to school and do a fun assembly on the Power to Read. At the assembly, kids receive Kindles, Adventure Maps, superhero capes,and much more. Retired educators host our events.
- Each child receives their very own Kindle Paperwhite to keep! Kindle Paperwhites are designed just for reading, which means no distractions from apps, videos, or games. Each Kindle comes with 1 year of Amazon Kids+ with thousands of books. The new audible feature lets kids switch seamlessly between reading and listening via Bluetooth, perfects for kids learning to read in bothEnglish and Spanish.
- Kids choose a reading adventure! As they progress through each book on their reading adventure they win "gold coins" which they can redeem for prizes.
- Parents join community support. Parents receive a welcome packet along with instructions in English and Spanish. Parents can sign up for text message support from BookMode to help engage in more frequent reading throughout theschool year.
- Reading Dashboard: Schools will receive a “Reading Dashboard”which shows the number of books opened and read on the devices. Schools are not required to include Kindles in their curriculum, but are more than welcome todo so!